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Sunscreen is Polluting our Oceans Part 5

In this series we looked at how the chemicals in sunscreen harm marine life. Coral reefs, fish, phytoplankton, and sea urchins are all impacted negatively by the chemicals in sunscreen. How do we help? How do we have a deeper respect for our oceans and make better choices to enable us to become part of the solution? Well, we are going to have to alter our expectations on what we want from our sunscreen first. The available sunscreens on the market that are “reef safe” do not go on as nicely as the ones with all of the harmful chemicals. They are just as effective but they leave a whitish look to our skin. Other alternatives to sunscreen would be to use clothing to cover up with instead of sunscreen. There are many options of SPF 50+ clothing on the market today that is comfortable, functional and stylish. Wearing a large hat to cover your face and neck is also an option.

The point is that by knowing this problem exists you can do something about it. All it takes is to have enough respect for the resource to initiate the action of preventing these chemicals from entering the ocean. The state of Hawaii has already taken action. Starting in 2021 it will be against the law for anyone to use sunscreens containing these chemicals. There are already many companies producing sunscreens with new formulations that are much friendlier to the environment. Make sure you stay away from brands that have nano particles in them though. Titanium dioxide is also something to stay away from because it will not biodegrade and can form hydrogen peroxide in the water.

The following list was compiled by and are sunscreens it approves:

· Mama Kuleana Waterproof SPF 30 Reef-safe Sunscreen

· Little Hands Hawaii SPF 35+ All-natural and Organic Sunscreen

· Manda Organic SPF 50 Sun Paste

· Raw Love SPF 35 All-natural Mineral Sunscreen

· Thinksport SPF 50 Sunscreen

· All Good SPF 30 Sport Sunscreen Lotion

· Babo Botanicals SPF 30 Clear Zinc Lotion

· Suntegrity Natural Mineral Sunscreen

· Badger SPF 30 Unscented Sunscreen Cream

· Raw Elements SPF 30 Certified Natural Sunscreen

· Stream2Sea SPF 30 Mineral Sunblock

· Loving Naturals Clear Body SPF 30+ All-natural Sunscreen

· Reef Safe Oxybenzone Free Biodegradable SPF 50 Sunscreen

· Banana Boat Simply Protect SPF 50+ Sunscreen (spray, not lotion)

I am not advocating to stop using sunscreen. By all means lather up liberally and often. Skin cancer is a deadly disease and we all should take precautions against it. But I am saying that you should educate yourself on this problem and make a better choice of products when heading to the beach.

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