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One of the fondest memories I have growing up was going with my family to my Grandpa’s hunting camp in the Yellowhammer region of Pennsylvania.  As a young boy the area was perfect for exploring.   We would go squirrel hunting, deer hunting, turkey hunting, fish for native brook trout in the mountain streams, and hike in the mountains. To me, at the time, it was a wild area filled with adventure and wonder.

As I grew older, went off to college, started a career and family, I drifted away from the area.  I didn’t go back as often and it was hard to find the time to get back.  I never lost my love of the outdoors, I still participated in all of the activities I did as a kid, but I did it in different areas and none of them seemed as special as the Yellowhammer.  I took my wife and kids to the area and they too loved it as much as I did.

After raising 3 fantastic boys and spending 30 years in the manufacturing industry I decided it was time to get back to the Yellowhammer.  It was time to leave the hectic and stressful life of deadlines and deliveries behind and get back to the things that I grew up with as a boy.

Yellowhammer Adventures was started by my wife and I as a way to get back to our Yellowhammer.  Not just in a physical sense as in traveling to the area and spending time there but also in a spiritual sense.  This spirituality means that Yellowhammers are everywhere and they need to be explored, respected, managed, and preserved.

This website is for those who have a Yellowhammer region. This is for those who want to enjoy these areas but are also steadfast in their belief that conserving them, respecting them, and preserving them for future generations are all extremely important.  My challenge to you is to find your own Yellowhammer.  Someplace that you care about, a place with meaning, a place worth conserving.  When you do, treat all your places of adventure as if you were in your Yellowhammer.  Treat the area with the same respect and reverence you would treat your own area, because I am sure that this area will be someone else’s Yellowhammer.

Made in the USA

Made in USA

At Yellowhammer Adventures we come from manufacturing families.  With over 30 years of manufacturing experience we have watched the slow degradation of our great countries manufacturing base.   We have had a front row seats to watch the effects of NAFTA and also the rise of China as a manufacturing country.  We have witnessed first-hand the devastating effects of these two phenomena on families and businesses alike.

Yellowhammer Adventures will manufacture our products in the USA.  Period.  We will support and nurture our manufacturing base and do everything we can to help the American worker.  We will only work with manufacturers who share our core values.  By doing these things it will help us sleep at night, enable us to look ourselves in the mirror with confidence that we have done the right things, and most importantly, we will be able to look our fellow citizens in the eye and know we are helping to bring manufacturing back to the United States.  

Core Values

Yellowhammer Adventures Core Values

Conservation: Our natural resources should be managed in a sustainable manner that allows everyone access while preserving them for future generations.

Sustainability:  We believe that we should not consume resources faster than they can be replenished.

Compassion: Kindness, caring, and a willingness to help others are the foundation to environmental and social responsibility.

Perseverance: Do not give up, ever.

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